STRESS-FX helps us to respond to stressful situations in a healthier way to lessen the impacts of stress on the body and mind. The most important way to reduce cortisol and minimize these fight-or-flight reactions is to reduce stress. Unfortunately, that is not always possible, so supplementation can help your body cope with stress more effectively. STRESS-FX is formulated to help us maintain our healthy rest-and-digest state. It helps us alleviate stress by lowering cortisol levels, and it promotes relaxation through boosting our calming hormone, GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid). STRESS-FX improves mental clarity, anxiety, and memory, while helping us to recover more quickly from the physical and mental stressors of daily life. When we feel stress, the body responds as though we are being chased by a lion. It jumps into a fight-or-flight state and releases a cocktail of hormones from the adrenal glands, including cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones redirect blood flow to large muscle groups, increase our breathing and heart rate, and give us a boost of energy. This response is meant to help us survive when were threatened, and it would be very helpful if we were actually face-to-face with a lion.
- STRESS-FX is formulated to lower cortisol levels and promote a state of calmness and relaxation.
- It lowers anxiety, improves memory and concentration and improves sleep
- STRESS-FX helps us to respond to stressful situations in a healthier way